The Calderdale FOE local group has been around for some 30 years, working on FOE’s national campaigns and adding locally important ones as well.
For the last 10 years for example we’ve been urging the Council to increase its recycling rate. When we started it was less than 10%. Now it’s 60+% and the best in the Yorkshire region. We like to work constructively with the Council even if sometimes progress seems to taking longer than we’d like.
So it took 3 years for Calderdale to agree to a challenging local climate change reduction target but we got there in the end. On the other hand it took just 12 months from our initial meeting for the Council to agree in May 2014 to introduce 20mph speed limits across all the residential areas of the borough; we think this is the only way to tackle our unacceptably high accident rate for children, pedestrains and cyclists.
Our current campaigns
Save our greenfields with CPRE
Lower speed limits to save lives with 20s Plenty for Us
Tackle climate change: locally and globally See October 2014 article about windfarms here.
Improving recycling rates – see July 2014 article here.
Monthly meeting: 3rd Wednesday (January-July/September-November) at 6.45, White Lion Hebden HX7
Contact our coordinator Anthony Rae 01422 845061 mobile 07943 320041
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