George Monbiot divides his time between writing for the Guardian and pursuing a number of quixotic projects: generally writing obscure books and campaigning for lost causes. His latest book is ‘Feral: Searching for Enchantment on the Frontiers of Rewilding.’
Hope Baptist Church, New Road, Hebden Bridge HX7 8EW Doors 7.30 Programme 8pm
Tickets: £10/£8 Buy tickets here
Anthony Rae adds: I’ve seen George Monbiot talk on the subject of Feral twice in the last year and it’s a most thought provoking account that challenges the orthodoxies of the conservation movement. You’ll learn why he really doesn’t like sheep, what’s the meaning of ‘trophic cascades‘, how the re-introduction of woves has reshaped the actual landscape of Yellowstone National Park, and what elephants have done to the hedgerows of Britain! But what does his message mean for Calderdale?